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"Each session has helped immensely!"


     "Before I started working with Marla, I was struggling with stress management, self-worth, and a positive attitude. I had been doing better with the help of medication, but I needed more tactics to change my thoughts from dark to light and to manage how much my stress affected my body. I went into each session with an open mind and was willing to try anything. So far, each session has helped immensely. I still have the occasional bad day, but it’s much more rare than it used to be. I have so much more compassion and love for myself since learning how to let go of guilt for self-care and things out of my control. Daily meditation has helped much more than I ever thought it could. It always seemed like a waste of time to me, but since observing the change in my mother since she began meditating daily, I have more faith in it.

      During each session, I knew I could talk about anything and receive no judgment. Marla has always been so kind, understanding, comforting, and supportive. She helped me set tangible goals each week which helped me feel like tackling my brain wasn’t so difficult. I have learned more about myself and a little more about where my self-deprecating thoughts come from. Each day, it gets easier to turn my thoughts around, but with the help of meditation, I sleep better and wake up in a good mood every morning. I do my best to maintain that and let the problems throughout the day roll off me. It would have taken me a great deal longer to get to this point without her help and insight. I will continue to set goals for myself and maintain my new routine for as long as I can. I’ll be forever grateful for her help.

     I fully intend to reach out again and continue our sessions if I ever find I need an extra little push. If anyone I know confides in me that they are struggling with anything that I know Marla can help with, I plan to send them her way immediately. " 


- Morgan T.

"Working with her was a pleasure and exactly what I needed."


"When I started working with Marla, I was unsure of what my goals really were. I just knew I had a lot of work to do to be happy with myself and my health. I had sustained a head injury 3 years prior that totally turned my life upside down. I was making progress on my own, but I had so many things I needed to work on I felt overwhelmed. Especially because dealing with a disability is overwhelming all on its own. Marla helped me discover what reasonable goals were and what realistic steps to take to reach them. She helped me find a path that I feel happy to be on. She was kind and supportive in a way that made you feel like you were talking to a friend but better because she helps you find the answer you need. Working with her was a pleasure and exactly what I needed. She has a way for making you feel understood and ok. Also her meditations were so good and I’m not really into meditation. "    


 - Jennifer R. 

"I would definitely recommend..."


"Marla was so easy and wonderful to work with. She has a way of getting you to relax and feel safe to be able to open up so you can work through your blocks. Not once did I feel judged or questioned for how I thought or how I did things. She was very supportive, kind, understanding and loving through the whole process. I would definitely recommend her if you are ready for a shift and to embrace life to the fullest while becoming the best you inside and out. I just love her!!" 


 - Rebecca R. 

 "Fantastic in helping me to work through issues/trauma..."    


     "In the past few years my life has included a lot of change. I became an empty nester and started my first full-time job in many years. I was feeling as though I had let outside influences in my life control how I was reacting to all the change and felt that I needed to make some serious life-style changes in order to feel more grounded. These included changes to my diet, fitness, and mental well-being. 

     I was excited to have the chance to work with Marla and have felt that our sessions have provided a framework for the positive changes that I wanted to make in my life. Marla was great to help guide sessions when I was unsure of where I wanted to go, based on the topics we had discussed. She was also fantastic in helping me to work through issues/trauma and find a way to move forward. 

     I loved that I felt that I was able to talk to Marla about anything that was impacting my life in the week leading up to our sessions. She was great at making herself available if I needed further direction or coaching throughout the week through the app or email. The benefits that I saw while working with Marla were that I was able to set aside time to focus on my internal needs and self-awareness. I've found that by taking time each day to meditate and practice gratitude, I am more likely to make better choices in all aspects of my life throughout the day. I also have more focus in what I am doing and am more likely to create healthy boundaries around the time that I need to create this positive change. I would recommend having Marla as a coach to anyone thinking about creating change in their life. She was great at letting me guide where we were going, but making sure I could reach my ultimate goals."


- Jeanette W. 

"She really gets to know you and your strengths and weaknesses..."


"Marla is such a sweet soul! She was able to help me see how important my health truly is to live a long and fulfilling life. I never realized how little things I was (or wasn’t) doing were making my life more challenging. She helped gently guide me in the right direction to achieve my goals. She isn’t afraid to dig a little deeper (if you are comfortable) to get to the root cause that may be hindering your progress. I tried to make my goal easier and she kindly said “I know you can do something a little more challenging.” She really gets to know you and your strengths and weaknesses so she will push you just out of your comfort zone to make you see what you are capable of, which is GREATNESS! I would recommend Marla to any woman that is struggling with self-doubt, self-worth, auto-immune disorders, and to be quite frank every woman. We all need a little help along the way in this life. Marla is truly a God send!"


Allison B.

"Helps you break through the barriers needed to heal."


"Prior to my coaching sessions with Marla, I was interested in working with her, as I have been struggling with my weight and other issues since going through menopause.  Through the coaching sessions, we discussed all of the aspects of wellbeing.  I came to realize that there were a number of areas that I was struggling with and through talking through each of them, we were able to find valuable tools and exercises to help with each one of them. Marla is extremely conscientious and easy to talk to.  Her insights to health and wellbeing are invaluable.  She was able to pull things out of me that I didn't realize existed.  We were able to put a game-plan into place each week that gave me exercises that were easy to implement but had a huge impact in moving me forward.  Through our discussions, I realized that menopause has brought on a number of symptoms, that I was not aware could be menopause related, but realized that they are.  I now have the tools to assist me in minimizing the symptoms. I would recommend Marla and her coaching to anyone that is struggling with anxiety, depression, weight loss and any other debilitating symptoms.  Marla has the ability to help you recognize and work on things that you are not even aware are an issue and helps you break through the barriers needed to heal."  


- Lori H

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